The Core Principles
of BSR


Holistic approach

We look at you as a whole.  Your body is an amazing structure capable of organising itself in the best possible way for you to carry on living and working, whilst protecting you as much as it during a period of reduced health. This is why we look at our clients as a whole: the muscular and physical structures of the body but also any emotional and mental situations which can have very deep and strong repercussions on our body.


Patience is a virtue

BSR recognises that stress build up is cumulative, therefore to release the different layers of stress, several sessions are recommended with the end goal to create a maintenance mindset to keep stress from building again and allow each client to enjoy life to the full.  

Unique and effective

This unique and effective technique was developed in South Africa in 1981. It is growing steadily around the world with over 30 practitioners in the UK alone, each with their own story to share. The technique is hands-on and precise - designed to unlock stored tension and stress in your body.


A good listening ear

You are a client with various needs and we fully understand this. Our practice is designed to be a safe and confidential place where you can express yourself, if you choose to do so.


Precise and comfortable

A firm and precise yet comfortable technique. You stay fully dressed - even with your shoes on if you prefer!

A vision of your health

Your health is your wealth! Some symptoms may be dealt with more quickly than others but as Body Stress Release practitioners, we truly believe that your body deserves the best attention. In the long term, your body will thank you a million times! When you experience the benefits of Body Stress Release you will see for yourself that a long-term approach, though not necessarily frequent, will allow you to feel so much better and really experience an improvement in your wellbeing.


BSR is Complementary

Body Stress Release is a complementary therapy that does not diagnose nor treat any condition. It’s a health–care profession that works alongside conventional medicine not in competition but rather in cooperation. This is not a form of massage or chiropractic and there is no force used nor manipulation of skeletal structures. No mechanical apparatus is used – all work is done solely with hand/finger pressure.  Over the years and over the world Body Stress Release has been widely recommended by various professions such as doctors, fitness coaches and other therapists.
